Get high quality Merch for your new colleagues

Create a memorable experience for your new hires with high quality Merch products.

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Success Stories

Helping new Yobbers-employees feel welcomed

Together with Yobbers, we created the best Onboarding boxes for all the new employees to help them kickstart their careers in style.

Not only do the team members feel appreciated, they also promote the company outside the office.

With custom clothing, office supplies, and drinkware, the Yobbers Onboarding boxes made everyone feel welcomed and a part of the community.

To make everyone feel at home away from home, we created this cool onboarding pack with merch by HelloPrint to kick-start every new career.

⎯ Featured boxes

We have the largest Merch & print catalogue

Our catalogue offers every product you can think of for the best onboarding.

From personalized sneakers, custom-made apparel, water bottles, laptop sleeves, notebooks, backpacks, we've got you covered! All high quality products, made for longterm use.

Our commitment to quality goes hand in hand with our focus on sustainability. We believe in delivering high-quality products without harming the planet. That's why we strive for sustainable production methods, use environmentally friendly materials as much as possible, and work with suppliers who share similar values.

We are here to help you deliver these results, assisting every step of the way, from choosing the right products to warehousing your boxes, to automating your onboarding to the max. Merch by HelloPrint offers exactly that: bespoke solutions for every customer.

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