Certified  b-corp logo white Fair wear logo whiteApproved vegan logo whiteGOTS logo white

People & Planet

We prioritize the use of products that minimize their impact on the environment as they can be reused multiple times by reducing the demand for single-use items. They are based on design principles that emphasize durability, longevity, and resilience.

The world of tomorrow, starts today

We are committed to the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance to balance profit and purpose.


Fair Wear Foundation is an independent, non-profit organisation that works to improve labor conditions for workers in garment factories. It ensures the highest respect for human rights throughout the production chain, ensuring no child labor as well as safe working condition. 


The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain.


Fairtrade Standards are designed to promote sustainable development among small producer organizations and agricultural workers in developing countries. These standards integrate a comprehensive range of social, economic, and environmental criteria to ensure a holistic approach to sustainability.

Organic Cotton Standard

The Organic Content Standard (OCS) is a voluntary global standard that aims to increase organic agricultural production. It sets the criteria for third-party certification of organic materials by tracing organic fibers from farm to final product. 

Amfori BSCI

Amfori BSCI is a global business association that promotes sustainable trade, sustainable supply chains and sustainable businesses by providing a recognised methodology for identifying risks in global supply chains in line with internationally recognized principles.


OEKO-TEX® label is a globally recognised standard that ensures that products can be tracked as the label provides supply chain traceability, ensuring that each step – from production to the final product - is built on rigorous testing standards.

Recycled Claim Standard

The RCS is an international standard that includes a higher (50%) minimum recycled content percentage and additional social and environmental requirements related to processing and chemical use.

Better Cotton

The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), is a leading worldwide initiative about cotton. It supports and encourages farming communities to use better soil and water management, less use of pesticides while improving their working conditions and fostering greater financial security. 

Taking the lead to transition for good by being B Corp certified

Sustainability is integrated into every aspect of our business, from product to decoration and from fulfillment to shipment. 

Our commitments
Sustainable clothing line with a young female mode in a planty/earthy background and a b corp certified logo on top

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